Friday 28 March 2008

Week 8

Electronics is starting to look passable now. I think that that's the general feeling about the classmates. Digital circuitry is alot easier to handle. Networking was about network switching, I had touch on this in my previous years at NEI but this presentation was to a higher level as it dealt with Asynchronous Transfer Mode Switches. Programming was the task of making an electronic door lock using the 68HC11 microprocessor board and LEDs to test my program solution. the task was complicated but enjoyable.

Friday 14 March 2008

Week 7

In electronics we got our results back. I scored 54% which I expected to be bad but everybody struggled in it. Still that's no excuse. We started digital circuitry with seems to be hard but nothing to the extent of analogue. Networking was about data compression and different types of errors. Programming is starting to get harder now. We have a test in week 9. We got told today what to revise. We also talked about the upcoming assignment and what it would initial

Week 6

Electronics test was bearable. I tried to learn the material off by heart but it was just too complicated to understand. The test went ok as I look back at it now. I get my results next week. We covered thing like Topologies, Routing and peer to peer programs in Networking. It was interesting. Programming has started to get tricky. The lab work usually takes 2/3 hours. Yesterday it took 5/6 hours. It was just more awkward than complicated.

Friday 7 March 2008

Week 6

Electronics test was bearable. I tried to learn the material off by heart but it was just too complicated to understand. The test went ok as I look back at it now. I get my results next week. We covered thing like Topologies, Routing and peer to peer programs in Networking. It was interesting. Programming has started to get tricky. The lab work usually takes 2/3 hours. Yesterday it took 5/6 hours. It was just more awkward than complicated.