Friday 2 May 2008

Week 12

Last 2 weeks have been revision based lectures. Nothing much to report.

Friday 18 April 2008

Week 10

Electronics test on Monday went OK, revision paid off big time. Networking was to do with wireless connectivity. Programming test came back today, 84%. We started to get the assignment under way and it looks like its going to be a nightmare.

Friday 4 April 2008

Week 9

Week 9 was a revising class for the second class test in electronics. The class seems more prepared and assured for this test than the others. Networking was about the laws and security that surrounds networking. Programming test was yesterday and it went ok. Was hard in places but seemed to go ok.

Friday 28 March 2008

Week 8

Electronics is starting to look passable now. I think that that's the general feeling about the classmates. Digital circuitry is alot easier to handle. Networking was about network switching, I had touch on this in my previous years at NEI but this presentation was to a higher level as it dealt with Asynchronous Transfer Mode Switches. Programming was the task of making an electronic door lock using the 68HC11 microprocessor board and LEDs to test my program solution. the task was complicated but enjoyable.

Friday 14 March 2008

Week 7

In electronics we got our results back. I scored 54% which I expected to be bad but everybody struggled in it. Still that's no excuse. We started digital circuitry with seems to be hard but nothing to the extent of analogue. Networking was about data compression and different types of errors. Programming is starting to get harder now. We have a test in week 9. We got told today what to revise. We also talked about the upcoming assignment and what it would initial

Week 6

Electronics test was bearable. I tried to learn the material off by heart but it was just too complicated to understand. The test went ok as I look back at it now. I get my results next week. We covered thing like Topologies, Routing and peer to peer programs in Networking. It was interesting. Programming has started to get tricky. The lab work usually takes 2/3 hours. Yesterday it took 5/6 hours. It was just more awkward than complicated.

Friday 7 March 2008

Week 6

Electronics test was bearable. I tried to learn the material off by heart but it was just too complicated to understand. The test went ok as I look back at it now. I get my results next week. We covered thing like Topologies, Routing and peer to peer programs in Networking. It was interesting. Programming has started to get tricky. The lab work usually takes 2/3 hours. Yesterday it took 5/6 hours. It was just more awkward than complicated.

Friday 29 February 2008

Week 5

Electronics this week was a revision class for next weeks test. It looks impossible but Liam tells us that if we learn the material he gave for revision we would pass the test with ease. Networking was again about FTP. I don’t have very good attendance to this module but I do keep up to date with the lectures in my own time and its one of the more interesting modules. Programming was easy again but I feel it will become tricky when the basics all come together.

Friday 22 February 2008

Week 4

Electronics again was analogue circuitry. It seems to be by far our hardest module as we haven’t really done anything like it before and also because its impossible. Networking was about the FTP programs and how they use layers to communicate during executions. Programming was easy enough. It is still just the basics that we are getting to grips with.

Friday 15 February 2008

Week 3

Electronics again was analogue circuitry. We learnt different equations for analogue signal analyzing. Liam pretends its easy buts it’s anything but. Networking this week was about IP addresses; I had studies most of it before but its still very interesting and still small pieces come up that I didn’t know before. There also was a class assignment for Friday; I started on Friday morning….. Starting to understand Microprocessor design/programming now, it’s just a very basic java script that we are learning.

Friday 8 February 2008

Week 2

This week was a lot harder than last week as I predicted. We got stuck into electronics with analogue circuitry. It was very complex and not a bit easy. Networking was ok as it relates to a lot that I studied at Magherafelt. Microprocessor design was a little hard. We are moving into a different programming language. It is similar to Java but still difficult to understand

Friday 1 February 2008

Week 1

This was your first week back in the new term. It was an easy week where we were just shown what we would be covering. Each module came with a module specification booklet and by going through it I guess that my electronics will be the trickiest. We covered the basics in networking, things like html coding etc. but that was the only real bit of learning we did.